Our first ever live album, Live at Tavastia, is out today!
This has been a huge undertaking and there have been twists, turns and overheated engines more than at an average Monte Carlo F1 race. But we crossed the finish line and made it in time!
From the beginning it was clear that we wanted to capture where the band was at in 2023. After we were done touring the Red Alert in the Blue Forest album, we felt like it was “then or never”. Tavastia Club in Helsinki is a small, 800-cap venue where you can really feel the intensity of the performer (or the lack of it). We were keen on taking the chance since this venue holds a very special place in our hearts. It was here where EVERY Finnish band dreamt of playing when we were young aspiring artists. It is still a huge milestone for bands with big dreams and a thirst to show off. We just recently realised that Kie and I have played there in 5 different decades. I also had my first ever experience of attending a live rock show at that club. John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers played there in the mid-80s when I was only 12 years old.
Listening to and learning to play with the amazing live albums in our adolescence, releasing a live album of our own feels like a big thing. It is definitely not something many bands do these days and putting out something this “rough” feels like a step towards an unknown, exciting territory. On our studio albums, we tend to tweak every note and carefully craft the mood of each individual song. This album is something quite different. It’s all over the place, there are wrong notes and mistakes and in places we are quite a bit out of tune. It is LIVE and we want people to hear that too!
We hope you enjoy this album and see it as an integral part of our band’s long history. Even though we didn’t want to include any “new, unreleased” songs on it, it definitely tells a lot about our band. A live album has been something our fans around the world have wished for for many years so here it is. Dig it!
With love, Mikko / bros